Our Work


Community Design Lab

Community Design Lab is a laboratory context of experimentation and discussion for students in the IMA Program. Students are given the opportunity to engage in a reciprocal partnership with a local community partner. Working in a team-driven environment with a local community partner, students propose, plan, and complete a real-world design project. The course includes reflection, design deliverables, and client presentations throughout the semester. Community Engaged Learning and Local Engagement designated.


IMA Practicum

The overall goal of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience using various technologies and platforms in a research based environment. Credit option for students who are applying their classroom theory by working on IMA projects on- or off-campus. Prerequisite: IM-375 or IM-376. Must have sophomore, junior, or senior class standing. Community Engaged Learning and Local Engagement designated.
IM490 & IM495

IMA Internships

Students studying in the IMA Program have access to complete internship credits in their Junior or Senior year. Working with faculty mentors, internship placements are available on and off campus with many local offices, businesses, and nonprofits.