ima stories

Ashley Purvis ’21

POE: Writing and Visual Storytelling

I chose the IMA program because I am passionate about many different types of art and media, so this program allowed me to dabble and experiment in different aspects of design, filmmaking, photography, and even writing. By individualizing my program of emphasis, I was able to pursue two disciplines: filmmaking and writing. The two disciplines support one another very well, so I feel that I have had a great experience learning from both my writing and IMA courses. And I knew I couldn’t just focus on one of my passions, so I chose to do both. Through this experience, I was able to hone my talents as a visual storyteller, and even branch out to do documentaries and educational videos. The IMA program at Juniata allowed me to be creative in different types of media, and I feel like a very well-rounded creative due to the program’s flexibility.

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Sierra Waite ’21

POE: Communication and Multimedia Arts 

Growing up, I loved to read, write, and create. As a first-generation college student, I knew I wanted my major in college to reflect those passions, but I wasn’t quite sure how to do that. I love writing, so I was interested in doing something that involved storytelling.

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ima stories

Tatum Poirier ’21

POE: Multimedia Production and Design

Juniata has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. From arriving on campus without knowing my clear career path to discovering myself and my passions as an IMA student, I’ve truly evolved as a student and a person. I was provided with one-of-a-kind opportunities and a support group consisting of both my peers and the staff on campus. My last four years at Juniata have been full of influential experiences to aid my journey to my dream career.

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ima stories

Paul Alicea ’20

POE: Strategic Multimedia Design with Computer Programming

I initially came to Juniata College with the intention of getting into IMA. But, I  found myself interested in other classes related to multimedia. “Integrated Media Arts” is a more design-oriented title, so my individualized POE title became “Strategic Multimedia Design”. “Strategic” encapsulated my analytical and message analysis skills. “Multimedia” included my knowledge of the many forms of digital media. “Design” illustrates that I know about design theory and application in regard to multimedia. 

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ima stories

Danielle Ochs ’20

POE: Integrated Media Arts

I chose to study in the Integrated Media Arts program due to my interests in video production. The IMA program consists of courses that have allowed me to learn video production as well as many other influential skills. I’ve acquired these additional skills through courses within the Integrated Media Arts program of emphasis.

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ima stories

Dejia Danhi ’20

POE: Multimedia Design

I chose to study the IMA program because it gave me a creative outlet to express myself and explore my talents. I was given many opportunities to work with clients where I could figure out what I liked best about design. I was able to find different avenues as to where I could see myself as a designer, and how I can create for a purpose that speaks to me as the designer, but also portrays well for the consumer. The program also granted me exposure to the wide variety of mediums that media can be displayed. Exposure to these mediums played a big role in creating my program of emphasis.

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ima stories

Fisher Stroud ’20

POE: Multimedia Production and Analysis

Integrated Media Arts is just as it implies. The program encompasses many different forms of media. I chose this POE because I have always enjoyed working with many different types of media. I didn’t want to be tied down to one specific thing. The IMA program gives its students the freedom to experiment and combine many different forms of art which I really enjoy.

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ima stories

Jenna Miller ’20

POE: Marketing Design

I chose to study in the Integrated Media Arts program because I came to college wanting to understand more about digital media. Initially, I wanted to study only photography, but once I was exposed to other IMA and Marketing courses, I found my love for not only design but also how to market my designs effectively for businesses through logos, promotional material, and online presence.

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Vinnie Caroselli ’20

POE: Graphic Communication

I currently study Graphic Communication which is an individualized Program of Emphasis. Into one unique program I incorporated all aspects of visual communication that I love. I’ve been able to combine aspects from the Communication Department and Integrated Media Arts Program to create the unique education that I want to study which includes project management, social entrepreneurship, and branding for community engagement.

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Cait Konradt ’20

POE: Technology and Design

I chose to study Integrated Media Arts because of its fluid and interdisciplinary nature. As a student you get the choice to pair it with other departments of study such as Fine Arts, Communication, Information Technology, and more, which allows you to obtain knowledge from all of those different programs and put them together in a unique combination. 

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